Danger can lurk anywhere and everywhere a child may go. Many everyday dangers are overlooked, but you can train yourself to be aware of them and take the necessary steps to protect your child at all times.
10 signs and symptoms That let you understand a child Kidnapper
Here are some signs which may help you understand the Child Kidnapper.
1. One of the most common tricks that kidnappers use is they simply ask a child for help. If you witness such a situation, it may be a warning sign because normal adult people don’t ask unfamiliar children for help! If an adult person has some kind of a problem (they lost a dog or a cat, or they can’t open a car door because their hands are busy with heavy bags), they will always ask another adult person for help, but never a child.

2. If a child is crying, trying to get their hand free or screaming, you might think that the kid is simply misbehaving. But if the child is beyond hysterical, maybe you should come and ask if everything is all right. Don’t be afraid to ask the child who the adult person is to them. If this is a kidnapper, they will most likely run away because you have memorized their face.

3. People who circle around playgrounds and observe kids are very suspicious. Take a photo of such a person in a way that they will notice it. This simple action can scare away a kidnapper.

4. Children are very open and trusting. If they are offered candy or toys, if kidnappers promise to show them a cool device but only if they go to the car, there can be no doubt that this is a kidnapper. Normal adults don’t give presents to unfamiliar children or invite them to their cars.

5. Kidnappers may know a lot about a child’s family. Even adults would believe such level of preparation, let alone children. Using social media, a criminal can learn even the smallest details: the names of the relatives or the parents’ co-workers, which toys they got for their birthday, what their room looks like and so on. Using all this information, they can present themselves as a friend or a parent’s co-worker. They can say that their mother is in the hospital and they have to visit her right now. If you witness this type of behavior, you can’t ignore this. In 9 cases out of 10, this is kidnapping.

6. Sometimes kidnappers use other children as bait and send them to get to know their potential victims. The hard part is, children don’t really understand what “stranger” means. Most of the time, they think that kidnappers are angry men with beards wearing sunglasses. But even nice women or kids can be kidnappers. If you notice a kid taking another kid away from the playground, you should catch up with them and ask how long they’ve known each other and where they are going.

child Kidnapper
7. If you see a car going slowly along the street and pulling over next to a kid, you should know that this is a warning sign. And if a driver is asking a child for directions or inviting them to get into the car, this is definitely a kidnapper. A normal driver will ask adults, police officers, or simply use a GPS.

8. There have been cases where kids were kidnapped after they were offered to take a ride on a motorbike. Very few boys can resist such an offer. If you see such a situation, use your common sense: what normal biker would invite an unfamiliar child to take a bike ride with him?